Weekly Adoptions 2-12-24
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week!

Camera Shy adoptees
Green Bean
Total = 14
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week!
Green Bean
Total = 14
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! Camera Shy adoptees Cats:Cuddles Blue (barn cat)Ava (barn cat) Dogs:Huckleberry 13 total
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees CatsNoodleCurryEtta ChevronJay (barn cat)Sparrow (barn cat) Dogs Bubbles Total =…
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! Camera Shy adoptees Cats:Lapis (F)Lance (M)Saige (F)Irena (F)Bottle Cap (M) Blaze – barn…
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees CatsBonesImpGoblinHocus PocusCandy CornMollyPoppyClover DogsRugerArchie Total = 11
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees Cats MiltonDogsDavid Total = 6
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees CatsTrilliumAsterPoppiBluebellIrisFern Total = 8