Case Closed: Families for At-Risk Puppies

In the middle of January this year, six puppies were born. They were soft and squishy. Squirmy bundles of white and tan and black.  And they were cold. Too cold.

You see, they were born in a trailer without heat. On a frigid Saturday just after the first of the year, police took custody of the puppies and their parents, and brought them to UVHS. The pups were just three days old.

In a case like this, UVHS rarely learns the facts or the full evidence in the case. It would be easy to feel angry, but any energy spent in    anger is one less drop of energy we have for the animals who desperately need us.

After six long months, the case is now resolved and all of the puppies have been adopted.

girl holding dog

During this time, the wee ones grew up. When they arrived, they fit in a human palm. They are now all long legs and floppy ears.

Thanks to you, these puppies are thriving.

They are lucky to have you. You made their bright futures possible through your financial contributions and your moral support of UVHS.

We wish to extend our special thanks to the volunteer foster homes that provided literally hundreds of hours of care to ensure these puppies remained physically healthy and gained the social skills to live full, happy lives.

Thank you, too, to our volunteer coordinator and other staff who worked tirelessly on this case.


We are currently open for adoptions by appointment. All available animals are listed on our website. If you see one you are interested in or require assistance through one of our programs, please call or email us.

General Contact

Phone (603)448-6888

Fax (603)448-3593


Mailing Address – UVHS : PO Box 789 : Lebanon, NH 03766

Physical Address – 300 Old Route 10 : Enfield, NH 03748

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