Weekly Adoptions 7-8-24
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week!

camera shy adoptees
Total = 6
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week!
Total = 6
Calling all pet enthusiasts with muscles of steel and a heart of gold! UVHS needs an Animal Care Technician & Adoption Counselor who isn’t afraid…
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees CatsToe BeansBradKyleBaby Total = 6
The Upper Valley Humane Society is pleased to announce that we have earned the 2024 Platinum Seal of Transparency with Candid.org. We are excited to…
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees CatsTrilliumAsterPoppiBluebellIrisFern Total = 8
UVHS newsletters are now available to view online! Visit this page to check them out. The winter 2023 newsletter will be available next month!
When the pandemic hit, Emily and Eli took on the challenge of fostering Remington, a young and energetic hound. After an awesome time in foster…