Weekly Adoptions 8-19-24
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week!

camera shy adoptees
Total = 5
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week!
Total = 5
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees CatGingersnap Total = 2
We are excited to share that UVHS was picked as the animal shelter of the week for the Animal Rescue Professionals Association podcast! Our Executive…
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! Camera Shy ADOPTEES Bea (cat)Arya (cat)Chessy (cat)Hickory (cat)Charlie (cat)Rosie (cat)Guinea (guinea pig)
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! Camera Shy adoptees Dogs:Boop Cats: Bramble Hex Razzle Ginseng Tiger Louise Zara (barn…
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees CatsMorticiaT-Bone Guinea PigDoofy Total = 5
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! Camera Shy adoptees DogsIndigo CatsLazuliParmesanBanditoPina Total = 5