Weekly Adoptions 11-13-23
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week!

Camera Shy adoptees
Lapis (F)
Lance (M)
Saige (F)
Irena (F)
Bottle Cap (M)
Blaze – barn cat
Nugget (M)
Terra (F)
Total – 10
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week!
Lapis (F)
Lance (M)
Saige (F)
Irena (F)
Bottle Cap (M)
Blaze – barn cat
Nugget (M)
Terra (F)
Total – 10
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees Cats Milla Sugar Cinnamon Total = 6
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! Camera Shy adoptees DogsSage CatsPaprika DarcyKuzcoPhilPrickly PearPizzaWolfieRoux Total = 10
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees RabbitSnowball Total = 4
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees CatsMorticiaT-Bone Guinea PigDoofy Total = 5
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! Camera Shy adoptees Dogs Natasha CatsDaisy Total = 5
Meet Gracie. Actually, meet Gracie’s X-ray. We knew Gracie was an incredible dog but we had no idea just how special! Gracie is young, sweet, and…