Weekly Adoptions 10-30-23
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week!

Camera Shy adoptees
Kitty (cat)
John Snow (cat)
Bella (cat)
Toby (cat)
Leo (cat)
Saffron (cat)
Ladybug (cat)
Hazel (cat)
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week!
Kitty (cat)
John Snow (cat)
Bella (cat)
Toby (cat)
Leo (cat)
Saffron (cat)
Ladybug (cat)
Hazel (cat)
The Upper Valley Humane Society is pleased to announce that we have earned the 2023 Platinum Seal of Transparency with Candid.org. We are excited to…
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! Camera Shy adoptees Dogs Natasha CatsDaisy Total = 5
The Spring Newsletter 2023 is out now and available to read online! Check it out, along with past issues, right here on our website at www.uvhs.org/newsletters….
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! Camera Shy adoptees Cats:Otis Sansa Nina (barn cat) Dogs:Emilio Other:Lola & Marlow (ferrets)…
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees CatsEcho Total = 2
Congratulations to these animals who went home with new families last week! camera shy adoptees DogsLeiaTaurus Total = 4